Rental Agreement
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Terms and Conditions
Please read and understand the conditions, policies and regulations listed below. The renter and all related parties will be responsible for understanding and abiding by all of the policies and regulations described within this document. This document provides for the health, safety and well-being of all persons and parties participating in the event as well as the owners, operators and staff of Century House.
Standard Rental: The standard studio rental rates are based on hourly, half-day and full-day periods, which include all set-up, delivery, cleaning and wrap-up time. Time used beyond the contracted period is subject to additional fees. All space planning and room layouts must be completed two (2) weeks prior to the event without exception. No changes can be made to room layouts and plans in the two weeks prior to the event.
General Policies
Century House must approve all booking dates, start and end times in advance of your rental application submission.
Century House is a non-smoking facility and does not permit smoking anywhere inside the premises.
Century House is an adults only venue. No children are permitted under the age of 12 under any circumstances.
Century House reserves the right to refuse any booking for any reason at any time.
All renters must carry insurance, indemnify Century House, its owners and agents and bear all responsibility for all injury and liability, and for all damages that may occur incurred during their booking, including the set-up, cleaning, wrap-up and load out activities.
Century House will quote and bill all additional services and staffing on a separate invoice.
Additional services must be planned, estimated and approved no less than 10 days prior to the booking.
No refunds will be paid 30 or fewer days prior to an booking to avoid any potential loss to Century House.
Century House may not be refund, or refund in full any expenses incurred such as rentals or purchases necessary to produce your booking, if the costs have already been incurred or obligated.
Century House accepts cash, check, cash app and venmo payments only.
Credit cards are not accepted.
All balances must be made payable to Century House and received no less than ten (10) days in advance of the booking. Fees paid late within the 10 day period are subject to a 2% daily finance charge up to 50% of the total due.
Century House has the right to cancel your booking, if the balance has not been paid prior to the booking start date.
A signed agreement and date-hold deposit must be received to reserve your booking date and time.
Fees: The rental fee is required in full to reserve the date and space. The security deposit is fully returnable and only used in the case of damages or late cancellation. Additional booking time fees may be charged when the booking exceeds the agreed upon time period. The special set-up fee is charged for substantial furniture repositioning. Any other fees will be billed separately. All fees are due and payable in advance of the booking. Cash, check, cash app and venmo are accepted.
All payments must be made payable to: Century House
Hourly: Hourly Rate (with 2-hour minimum) - $150 / Half-Day Rate $600 / Full-Day Rate $1000. A half day is defined as up to 5 hours, while a full day is 6-12 hours. Due immediately upon submission of this online application. If check payment is selected, the payment will be expected within five (5) days of receiving the online rental application. If cash, cash app or venmo payment is selected, please contact Century House at 901.833.7796 to make arrangement for the delivery or funds transfer.
Security Deposit: A security deposit check in the amount of $200 made payable to Century House is required and due ten (10) days prior to the day of the booking. The security deposit is separate and apart from the date-hold deposit used to reserve the date and space. The security deposit will be refunded within three (3) days of the completion of the rental period provided the premises are maintained in the same condition as when rented without any damage, as determined by a final inspection. However, if any cleaning or repairs are necessary beyond normal use (i.e. broken furnishings, lighting, doors or windows, damaged plumbing systems, thermostats, audio/visual equipment, etc.), they will be deducted from the security deposit. If the historic building or any of its contents, including furniture and artwork, are damaged during the event, including rehearsals, set-up, cleaning and load out, the renter will be solely responsible for such damage.
Final Rental Fee: The final rental fee must be paid to Century House no less than ten (10) days in advance of the scheduled event. Payment may be made by cash, check, cash app or venmo. No terms are implied or granted and no work will be allowed to commence until full payment is received as scheduled. Fees paid late within the 10 day period are subject to a 2% daily finance charge up to 50% of the total due.
Additional Time Fee: $150 per hour beyond the 8 hour period and must be paid in full before the conclusion of the event.
Special Set-Up Fee: $100 for substantial repositioning of club furnishings including artwork, furniture, etc. Ask for more details.
Insurance: Event Liability Insurance is required for ALL renters. Such insurance shall cover Property and Renter’s use thereof against claims for personal injury, bodily injury or death, property damage and products liability occurring upon, in, or about the Property, including appurtenances to the Property and sidewalks. Renter agrees that during the term of the booking and any extensions or hold over periods thereof, Renter will carry and maintain, at its sole cost, special event insurance with a single limit liability of not less than $1 million, and general aggregate liability of not less than $2 million. Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC shall be named as an additional insured in said policy. All insurance policies procured and maintained herein shall name Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC owners, employees, contractors and contracted vendors as additional insured as primary and on a non-contributory basis, shall be carried with insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Tennessee and having a current financial strength rating in Best's Rating of not less than B+. Such insurance policies or, at Century House's election, duly executed certificates of such policies, accompanied by proof of the payment of the premium for such insurance, shall be delivered to Century House no less than thirty (30) days before the commencement of the booking. Certificates of renewal of such insurance or copies of any replacement insurance policies, accompanied by proof of payment of the premiums for such insurance, shall be delivered to Century House at least ten (10) days before the expiration of each respective policy term. Renter shall include a provision in any and all insurance policies wherein the insurance provider agrees to provide notice to all entities designated as additional insureds in the event of nonpayment of premiums or cancellation of policy.
Renter shall comply with all rules and regulations applicable to the Property issued by the Tennessee Board of Fire Prevention or by any body hereinafter constituted exercising similar functions. Renter shall not intentionally do anything, or permit anything to be done, on or about the Property that might adversely affect, contravene, or impair any policies of insurance that are in force for the Property or any part thereof. Renter shall pay all costs, damages, expenses, claims, fines or penalties incurred by Century House, Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC or Renter because of Renter's failure to comply with this Paragraph. Renter indemnifies and holds harmless Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC owners, employees, contractors and contracted vendors from all liability with reference thereto.
Liability: Renter agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC, its owners, officers, employees, contractors, vendors and agents of and from all liabilities, costs, penalties, or expenses arising out of and/or resulting from the rental and use of the premises, including but not limited to, the personal guarantee of provision, service, and dispensing of payment by renter, its employees, and agents of alcoholic beverages at Century House.
In the event Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC, its owners, officers, employees, contractors and/or agents, are required to file any action in court in order to enforce any provisions of this agreement, Renter agrees to pay Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC, its owners, officers, employees, contractors and/or agents, all reasonable attorney fees, court fees, and costs of suit incurred by Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC, including all collection expenses and interest due.
Capacity: Renter understands that the maximum capacity of Century House is 30 people, and will not exceed these limits.
Decoration: Century House would like to make every studio rental a special and welcoming experience. Thus, every effort will be made to allow the Renter to prepare decorations, background and scenery. Only the Century House staff will be permitted to move, store and reposition any furnishings, including artwork, lamps, antiques, tables, and seating. No nails, screws, staples or other penetrating fasteners shall be used on any walls, trim, wood, or floors. Any tape or other adhesive materials must be properly removed and any wall damage will be deducted from the deposit. No glitter, confetti, paint or other extra small loose decorations are permitted on site under any circumstances.
Conduct: No smoking, drug use of any kind or chewing gum are permitted or will be tolerated on the premises before or after the booking. Disparaging remarks or any type of physical violence will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate expulsion. Renter shall be held solely responsible for the conduct of their guests, employees, and agents. Renter and their guests shall use the premises in a considerate manner at all times. Conduct deemed disorderly at the sole discretion of the Century House staff shall be grounds for immediate expulsion from the premises as well as early termination of the rental period. In such cases, NO refund or partial refund of the rental fee shall be made.
Noise: Renter acknowledges that the premises are located in close proximity to residential units and therefore, agrees to control the noise level of the event to avoid disturbing neighboring occupants. In the event the Renter's booking creates a disturbance due to high noise volume, Renter shall immediately reduce the volume. If repeated disturbances occur, Renter may be expelled from the premises of the offending noise may be eliminated. In such cases, NO refund or partial refund of the rental fee shall be made.
Lost and Found: Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC take no responsibility for personal belongings left on the premises before, during, and after any booking. However, Century House does maintain a "lost and found" and will hold recovered items for up to 60 days. Every attempt will be made to return recovered items to their rightful owners.
Cancellation: Rental Fees are non-refundable after thirty (30) days prior to the booking, except the security deposit. Security Deposits are fully refundable in the case of cancellation.
Cleaning, Trash and Equipment Removal: Century House will be cleaned and organized at the beginning of each booking. Within two (2) hours following the primary activities of the event, Renter must return the premises to the original, organized condition. No use of the catering facilities are permitted during studio rentals unless special arrangements are made. No cooking or any other food preparation are permitted. Renters must remove all trash and recyclables from the premises at the conclusion of the booking. Century House encourages green, sustainable and zero waste solutions. Recycling bins will be provided for each booking.
City, County, State and Federal Laws: Renter agrees to comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal laws and shall conduct no illegal act on the premises. This is a drug-free and non-smoking facility at all times. No Exceptions. Renter shall not sell alcohol on the premises at any time without the expressed permission of Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC. Renter may not serve alcohol to minors on the premises at any time. Renter agrees to ensure alcoholic beverages are consumed in a responsible manner. Century House reserves the right to expel anyone who in its judgment is intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or who shall in any manner do or participate in any act jeopardizing the rights, use permit, or insurability of Century House of the safety of its staff, guests, or its building and contents.
Entry and Exit: Renter agrees that Century House and Powell Renaissance Holdings LLC staff may enter and exit the premises during the course of the booking. A representative of Century House will be on-site throughout the entire booking and will be checking periodically with the responsible parties to ensure both safety and success. They will also monitor the bathroom and overall premises to replenish supplies, and be available for questions or to respond to needs or issues.
Promotions and Copyright: Century House works with each of its clients to ensure the success of their bookings. When Century House is engaged in the planning and/or promotional process, it is imperative to review and approve all marketing materials and communications. Please use the name "Century House" and refrain from altering the name in any way, i.e. Century, The Century House, etc. This consistency will help maintain the integrity of our brand. Century House can provide photos and images of the space for your promotional materials.
Referrals Only: Century House is an historic building, former home of Twentieth Century Fox Pictures, and also includes a private home. The staff will be happy to answer any questions about the history of the building. Century House strictly available through referrals, no public advertising or marketing are undertaken.
Please obtain approval for your booking date before completing the application below.
Please complete the entire form.